We went to GA for a visit this past weekend and made it out to Phinizy Swamp for some bird watching. We got a Cooper's Hawk while we were there. Between Phinizy and our stops in Columbia, SC, on the way home to WV, I got 6 'new to me' birds, including THREE different species of Hawk.
Red-tailed Hawk
We didn't get great pictures of the Cooper's Hawk or the Red-shouldered Hawks we saw, but here is a beautiful Great Blue Heron we saw on Fort Jackson, SC.
Charles got a great picture of an Anhinga pair at Phinizy.
We also went to Phinizy Swamp over Easter weekend. That weekend I got 15 'new to me' birds, including a Bald Eagle (taken while stopped for gas at Fort Jackson, SC)!!
Here is a great picture of a Great Egret, taken at Phinizy Easter weekend.
We also saw some beautiful Red-winged Blackbirds Easter weekend at Phinizy.
And a TON of Cattle Egrets.
Here is a Broad-winged Hawk we saw over Easter weekend.
As we were leaving Phinizy that weekend, the birding group we happened upon pointed out this Osprey to us.
What GREAT weekends of birding we've had lately!